This website is dedicated to the history, documentation and concours restoration of pre-production Mustang #5F08F100139. This is one of the earliest, most complete, and unmolested Mustangs known to exist!
Much information about first-gen pre-production Mustangs is still to be learned. All information on this website is "to the best of our knowledge" and/or our opinion.
To share our information with enthusiasts world-wide!
To provide contact informatioon.
A brief explanation, but many others have spent years researching this topic!
The story of #139, it's previous owners and where it's been
A thorough description derived from the VIN and door tag, along with numerous pictures from the restoration process
Extraction after sitting and not started for 33 years
Extensive photos of the restoration process
Detailed photos of the completed restoration
"Showing off" outside the corral
Archiving the unique irregularities not found in the mass production units and recording all of the date coded items
Updates, explanations and whatever is on my mind
How to interact with us